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Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Saanich Volunteer Services Society Volunteer Driver standing in front of an Oak Tree
Nansi, Food Security Volunteer

Today we are celebrating Nansi! If you are able to volunteer with us by grocery shopping for Saanich seniors in need of food, please contact us at (250) 595-8008 or visit our website at We need more volunteers like Nansi!

A Volunteer since 2014, Nansi has taken on many roles in SVSS including sitting on the Board of Directors. She has a unique ability to connect with Clients in a caring way. Since COVID began Nansi has been directly involved in helping our most vulnerable clients through two food security programs Grocery Shopping for clients and weekly delivering Prepared Meals to 10 Clients.


Saanich Volunteer Services Society volunteer driver standing in front of Cedar Hill Rec
Lillian, Assisted Transportation Volunteer

Lillian’s sparkling energy is an inspiration to us all as SVSS. Joining the Volunteer team to help when COVID first began, Lillian is a joy to know. She has taken on several jobs including providing assisted transportation, driving Clients to those vital medical appointments, delivering food bank hampers every week plus delivering Prepared Meals every Wednesday to 14 clients. All with a smile.

Saanich Volunteer Services Society VAC Member, Ron, standing in front of Garry Oak trees
Ron, Volunteer Advisory Council Member

In his 3rd year of volunteering for SVSS, Ron has enthusiastically jumped on board. He began as a Volunteer Driver, taking Clients to medical appointments. He also became a Companion Visitor, support a Client who was alone.

With the start of COVID Ron switched roles in two ways: weekly delivering the Prepared Meals to 10 clients and sitting on our Volunteer Advisory Council – a group of volunteers who meet with staff every month to give feedback and insight into improving SVSS programs and services.

We couldn’t do what we do without a strong, multi-talented supporter like Ron.

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