Mario Siciliano has let Saanich Volunteer Services Society (SVSS) know that he must resign from his position as Executive Director due to unforeseen family circumstances, but will remain in place until a new Executive Director is appointed. SVSS is now advertising to recruit the new Executive Director. See below for a link to the position description and information on how interested candidates can apply.

In his short time at Saanich Volunteer Services Society, Mario accomplished more than many people accomplish in years. He built ties to outside organizations and community stakeholders while successfully helping staff to coordinate several multi-organization programs. These included our short-term Heart to Home meal delivery program as well as a United Way BC and Beacon Community Services program to provide vulnerable Saanich residents with 72 hour emergency kits. In addition he supported staff to transition the organization into a larger scale footprint to serve more members of our Saanich community
Saanich Volunteer Services Society and its staff will sorely miss Mario's help to positively impact the Saanich community. We do hope he may one day return, at least for a coffee and maybe for volunteering!
If you may be interested in this position please apply using the link below. If you know people who may fit this position, please spread the word to your friends and neighbours that our small but mighty Society needs another executive director to fill Mario's position (and boots).